Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Overall this course information has shown me the many inequalities that people face everyday. Usually people focus on only on the inequality of race but there are so much more. Class , politics , and the people have a big influence on how the system can oppress certain group of people. We still have a long way to go as the people even though we came from a long road. Social inequalities are important topics and everyone should be knowledgeable on this topic.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Week 7 Kristin Seefeldt

She was talking about how it is hard to move up but it is easy to move down. She talks about a specific group of people and that was African American women.  Often time race and poverty plays a very important part.  Families are often left in debt.  She talks about social abandonment.  This is discrimination  between black and white in reference to the housing market and upward mobility.

She talked about three policies.  The three policies are worker bill of rights, reforms to safety net, reparation (baby bonds).  The Worker Bill of Rights create better protection for workers.  They can have a voice regarding their hours and work schedules.  Reparations is dedicated to children.  This provide a savings account for children.  This is my favorite one because many people go in debt trying to pay for their child’s tuition.  The other policy was the reforms to the safety net.  It focuses on young woman experiencing upward mobility.

Sunday, April 23, 2017


Each Presidential Candidate had good ideas about healthcare.  They suggested that they like to provide more jobs.  Jobs are the main reason why people are in poverty.  They also were not going to judge people because of their past.  They will help high school dropouts and people who are developmentally challenged. Everyone must feel like they can rise above poverty.
After watching the video I thought that Governor Nikki Haley had many good ideas about reducing poverty.  Students should not be judge by the neighborhood that they live in. Educational resources should be given to each city equally.  I really liked how she wanted to help the people get educated while receiving public assistance

Week 5-“ Behaviors of the poor are not the cause of their poverty, but a result of their poverty"

This quote is a true statement because growing up in an urban community , I know this to be true. Even after playing the game spent I still feel the same way. People in poverty learn how to make things work.  They use the little that they have to make their lives a little easier.  The game presented real life issues.  There was some things that I wanted but I know I had to  sacrifice.  Living in poverty is hard. Playing this game made me realize that my mom struggled a lot but she still managed to take care of her children. It can be hard but it is possible to live. It is al about managing your money and getting the things that you need rather then the things that you may want.

Week 4 -What’s killing the American middle class and why save it?

The economy is killing the American middle class.  The cost of loving has increase drastically.  Food, clothes, and many other things has been increasing also. The middle class is shrinking.  The reason that the middle class is shrinking is because the large amount of income inequality.

The middle class should be saved because majority of people are classified in the middle class. If we don’t do anything about this there are going to be a lot of people suffering.  Median incomes have fallen.  It is becoming harder and harder to live comfortably.  Many people are living from paycheck to paycheck. The middle class is a large amount of people that is why we should save it.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Income Calculator

According to the calculator , My household is apparently in the high income range. My results are higher then many other people in my area. Class status can hinder goals because depending on your class your are not privileged or can do things that other classes will be able to do. My positive role model is my mother. She is a provider and she is a prime example of what I want. How she carry herself and how she was able to rise up and overcome many struggles. Money can be a obstacle to get where you want to go but you have to be dedicated. College is a opportunity that can help my future success tremendously 

About Me

Hello! My name is Latasha Robinson. I am a senior at Kean University and I am working towards a degree in Sociology and a minor in criminal justice. I want to work in a field where I can help people who can not help themselves. I love working with children. I am currently a full time nanny and a part time security officer. I will be graduating in May 2017! yayyy! Hope you enjoy my blog!

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Social Inequality Graph

This graph shows how many people are not treated equally simply because of their skin color. It shows that society needs to do better and make the right choices. In this graph that main two races that needs more improvement is the Blacks and Hispanics. Often times we see the inequalities that is faced daily by these two races. We need to improve as a society as a whole. Every race needs improvement but I don't think we would ever be equal because of the stereotypes of the world. The society will always have some aspects of inequality.

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Meme : Social Inequality

This meme shows the social inequality of students from low incomes neighborhoods in comparison to children in the suburbs. Urban communities lack many resources and supplies that they need. Many children in these communities are failing , and struggling. Students in higher incomes neighborhood have all the funding and resources and programs needed. Growing up in a urban community I have witness first hand walking into a computer lab where only three out of the 20 computers are working. Often times pages of the text book were ripped and destroyed. So my question to all of you is Should children in a school district lack certain resources due to where they live or their parents income ?