Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Income Calculator

According to the calculator , My household is apparently in the high income range. My results are higher then many other people in my area. Class status can hinder goals because depending on your class your are not privileged or can do things that other classes will be able to do. My positive role model is my mother. She is a provider and she is a prime example of what I want. How she carry herself and how she was able to rise up and overcome many struggles. Money can be a obstacle to get where you want to go but you have to be dedicated. College is a opportunity that can help my future success tremendously 

About Me

Hello! My name is Latasha Robinson. I am a senior at Kean University and I am working towards a degree in Sociology and a minor in criminal justice. I want to work in a field where I can help people who can not help themselves. I love working with children. I am currently a full time nanny and a part time security officer. I will be graduating in May 2017! yayyy! Hope you enjoy my blog!

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Social Inequality Graph

This graph shows how many people are not treated equally simply because of their skin color. It shows that society needs to do better and make the right choices. In this graph that main two races that needs more improvement is the Blacks and Hispanics. Often times we see the inequalities that is faced daily by these two races. We need to improve as a society as a whole. Every race needs improvement but I don't think we would ever be equal because of the stereotypes of the world. The society will always have some aspects of inequality.